
All my lampshades are made to order and can be purchased via my website (with my usual 4-5 week lead time).   I do hold a little bit of stock of my glossy lamps and lampshades in my studio in West London so do please check with me if there is something you need at short notice.
In addition the following shops do hold a few items:


London, United Kingdom

Lamp London has a small selection of my lampshades. Please contact them at for more information.


For any enquires from within Norway, please contact Camilla Fossen-Weidner at Bird Interior --

Virginia, United States

A selection of my paper lampshades are stocked by The Shade Shop.
For enquiries please contact:
The Shade Shop, 2125 Ivy Road #8, Charlotesville, Virginia 22903

 Texas, United States

A selection of my paper lampshades are stocked by Amy Berry Design.
For any enquiries please contact:
Amy Berry Design, 150 Turtle Creek Blvd, Suite 104-A, Dallas, Texas 752007